About Us

Covenant Brit Ministries

Covenant Br’it Ministries is located in Eastern Baltimore County, Maryland in the area of Essex. It is the name of the church building as well as the name over all that we do as a ministry.

Br’it Congregation

Br’it Congregation is the name of the church. Br’it is the Hebrew word that means Covenant. Congregation is the Hebrew expression for Church. So Brit Congregation is the Hebrew expression for Covenant Church. Br’it Congregation is a place where you can enter into the presence of God through dynamic WORSHIP which will cultivate your heart for the dynamic teachings of the WORD of God. In turn, it will prepare you to find your place in the body of Messiah so you can do the WORK of God in the earth.

What We Believe

We believe in meeting needs through Biblical Understanding. The plan of salvation is revealed through the spring and fall feasts of Yahweh. The Bible contains much more than prophecy and philosophy. Surprisingly, it also provides sound guidelines for promoting good physical and mental health. In keeping with its commitment to live by every word of God. We follow the biblical dietary guidelines. The Word of God also provides practical information for marriage, positive family relationships, childrearing, financial responsibility, successful business relationships and transactions, etc. The Bible covers every aspect of humanity and teaches how to live victoriously through Yahshua (Jesus) Messiah.

Our Mission

To go into all the world to heal minds damaged as a result of sin, and to build hope (faith) for their future through establishing the Kingdom of God within their lives. (Daniel 2:44; Matthew 24:14; Mark 1:14b-15; Jeremiah 29:11)

Our Vision

Our vision is to see lives transformed all over the world. We exist to see the truth of God’s word come to life in the hearts and minds of people. Our ministries are different vehicles used to help us fulfill our purpose to:

  1. Teach God’s Word and make it a reality with the help of the Holy Spirit

  2. See people live God’s Word and allow God’s Word to be made flesh (alive) in them

  3. Teach God’s Word to bring true reconciliation between Blacks and Whites, and true restoration of biblical truth – through our Jewish roots – in Yahshua The Messiah, who is known as Jesus Christ

  4. Have a growing family oriented church, an Evangelical church, a mission oriented church, a church built on the Word, building singles, marriages, family, and congregational relationships

Methods and ways to teach God’s people:

Single’s workshops and annual seminars, Men’s workshops and annual seminars, Women’s workshops and annual seminars, Marriage workshops and annual seminars, Children Ministry and annual Youth on Fire seminars, Youth Ministry and annual Youth on Fire seminars, Twelve Steps workshops – dealing with addictions, Family Fellowships (Skating Parties, Cookouts, Bus Trips, etc.).

Our goal is to meet the needs of people by teaching you how to live victorious in every area of life – spirit, soul, bodily, social, financial, single, marital and sexual.

Our Ministries

The vision can only continue through Servant Ministries with committed faith, love and Word oriented members such as you. The following are past, current and future ministries that we desire to have as vehicles to teach, learn and grow through:

Praise and WorshipTeam, Choir Ministry, Dance Ministry, Step Ministry, Small group Ministry, Youth Ministry, Children’s Church Ministry, New Members Classes, Counselors Ministry, Ushers and Greeters Ministry, Visitation Ministry, Prison Ministry, Evangelism Ministry, Discipleship Ministry, Stewardship (helping people to understand finances) Ministry, Seminars of different topics ministering to the needs of people, Pastor to Pastors and Ministers Ministry, Deacons Ministry, Ministers Ministry, Elders Ministry, Leadership Classes, Missions, Basketball Ministry (men and Women), Flag Football Ministry, Living Waters Ministry (Dealing with addictions of every kind), Food Service/Kitchen Ministry, Events Ministry, Tent Ministry (Setting up tent services where God leads), Media Ministry, Drama Ministry, Home School Support Ministry, Computer Training Ministry, Health and Fitness Ministry, Caregiving Ministry, Day Care Center, Bus/Van Ministry, Messianic Movie Ministry, Recreation Center, P.T.L. (People That Love) Center, Bible College

If you have a desire to serve God’s people through your gifts, talents or resources, please feel free to reach out to us with this form. Please let us know how you would like to help and indicate which area of ministry. We’d love to hear from you!